Following the last filming session we discussed including the date before the establishing shot of the house is shown, and it is something we will implement in our film. The date will say May 3rd 2019. This is because it provides the audience with background knowledge of the year.
Picking up from last blog, we continued to film our main character and him getting ready to leave for school. After he is done getting dressed, there are cuts of him talking to his father about the event that has occurred. Which is brought up in the news broadcast which states the United States is in a war with North Korea. That's when the audience learns that there is a mandatory military draft. There are mid-shots of his conversation with his father as it allows the audience to focus on their conversation.
Following the conversation between the two our main character is shown walking outside of the house and into his car, with a low angle shot. After this scene we will need to film the rest of the middle part of the scene next week during school. There will be establishing shots of the school and the main character will be shown in school going to classes, which will convey he is just a normal 18 year old.
We also filmed the last scene because it also takes place at the main characters house. We filmed our main character getting out of his car and walking to the mailbox. Once he reaches the mailbox there is a cut to the point of view of the mailbox being opened. Then there is a close up of the envelope being opened, and following this our main character is then shown with a close up of him reading the letter sent to him with the camera moving around it.
Next time we meet we will be editing the last scene because we still need to film clips of our main character at school.
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